Friday, March 16, 2007

A little bit about the books...

The list seems to need a little embellishment. So I thought I'd post a few words about the books I've listed.

"The Other Boleyn Girl" - I've wanted to read this since it came out, but just never got around to it. I have to admit, it is quite thick and I thought it'd take a while to read. Well, that was wrong - it was a very quick read. It doesn't matter that you know in the end that Anne Boleyn was beheaded, the story is just great.

"In My Hands..." - My sister-in-law sent this to Mark for his birthday. We'd never heard of it. Mark is part Polish and this story was about a Polish woman during Nazi and Russian occupation during WWII. It was so good, he read it in a day. Kirsten picked it up and finished it almost as quickly. It took me less than a day to read too. Very interesting book and a different perspective on the story of the Holocaust.

I'll put the Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins books in the same paragraph, as they deal with the same subject matter - religion and God. "The End of Faith" is a good book, but a difficult read. It has a notation section almost as large as the text itself. Sam Harris also sounds angry in many sections. "The God Delusion" is an easier read. They quote each other often in their texts. If you've ever felt not great about religion or wondered if we can possibly solve the crisis in the Middle East, I'd recommend reading these books. If you're religiously devote - you won't like them at all.

"The Time Traveller's Wife" - I got this book for my 40th birthday and couldn't put it down. I passed it around to all my friends. It's got a great theory of time travel - you can only travel within your own lifetime and experiences, you can move forward and back, and you visit your own "self" at that point in time. At first, you get hung up on trying to figure out the dates for each chapter, but eventually it gets easier to follow and you realize exactly where he is within his lifetime. Excellent fiction book.

"Stiff..." - My brother recommended this one. It's all about what happens to your physical body when you die. It's not for the faint of heart. I'll admit that there were times when I was squirming reading a particularly gross section. For people who like science, it is a phenomenally cool read. It is also really funny in places.

"My Sister's Keeper" - I have to say, as a general rule, I like all Jodi Picolt's novels. But this one had me on the edge of my seat and I absolutely SOBBED the last pages of the book. I couldn't put this one down and the ending just blew me away.


Laurie Piwinski said...

Hi Judi - I've read all of those fiction books this past year. "Stiff" doesn't appeal to me - as a nurse I know much more than I wish I did about dead bodies.

I've got a new Jodi Piccoult in my "to read" pile, but can't think of the name. I pledged (to no one in particular) to read only books about spirituality during Lent and am itching to escape into a good novel.

Keep us posted on what you like. There's so much to read - (and so little time), that I rely on people's recommendations.

Judester said...

Hi Laurie -

Glad you wandered over here from Jim's blog. It's great to hear from you and Linda after so many years.

I just bought "The Tenth Circle" by Jodi Picolt. It's sitting on top of "War and Peace"...wonder which one will get picked up first?

If you read a good book, wander back and let me know - I'm always looking for a good book to read too!

- Judi

French said...


wondering if you could help - trying to find your parents email address. The one my folks have is out of date. Can you send it to me at

BTW - Try one of Karen Armstrong's books if you are interested in religion. History of God is a good one.

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