Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A year of helping others - 30 minutes at a time

Dear Judith,

Happy Anniversary!

This time last year you were about to help save your first life!

It's been one year since you made your first blood donation with the American Red Cross on 8/24/2007.

On behalf of the patients who's lives you have helped save, we would like to say "Thank You!" Each and every one of your 5 donations this year has touched so many people within your community.

If you are once again eligible to donate, you can find a blood drive in your neighborhood and make an appointment at www.DonateBloodNow.org. To speak directly with a Donor Satisfaction representative please call 1-800-GIVE LIFE. Please be sure to mention your Donor ID: XXXXX.

We're looking forward to celebrating future anniversaries and many more lives saved in the years to come!

Your friends at the American Red Cross - New York Penn Region.

1 comment:

melissa said...

A nice anniversary indeed! You must get your iron level up a bit & take care of yourself! You will get that bike soon, I hope, it was interesting to read the "story behind the story."
PS- By my calculations you are at 73 runs now for the year so I think you'll get in the 100, even with alternating with the bike!

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