Friday, April 09, 2010

The month of May

Well, here we are at the beginning of April and my dread of the month of May has already begun. I absolutely loved May as a kid. We ended April with Dad and Grandma's birthday on the 30th (that's her in the picture). Then it was my turn on May 14th. My cousin Susan had her birthday on the 20th, and Jimmy closed out the month with his birthday on the 28th. It was a fantastic month of birthday cakes and presents. Jimmy's birthday, being at the end of the month, usually involved a barbecue outside and summer time presents. I remember the year he turned 3, he got one of those plastic pools with a little slide. They put a little water in it so Jimmy could reach over the side and play. I, being the big sister, wanted to use the slide, but it was too cold to actually be in a bathing suit and get in the water. So against mom's wishes, up and down the slide I went, carefully standing up at the bottom of the slide, making sure I didn't get wet and incur mom's wrath. Yeah, that didn't work out so well and I incurred her wrath. He also got a red wagon that year. It was bigger than mine and my cousin Susan pulled him around the yard in it. I was very jealous. Funny the things you remember.

Jimmy and I shared May. It was ours. I got the first half, he got the second. I don't like having the entire month to myself. May feels empty now - too big for just me. Without Jim to close out the month, all the other dates that made May such a big deal seem small and lonely. I don't want to celebrate my birthday anymore as it reminds me that we won't be celebrating Jim's. I want my birthday to pass quickly and silently by.


Anonymous said...

I sure miss him!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Yes Jude, it has become a sad month. I still think of the 3 of our birthdays being in May... and I sure remember pulling him in that wagon. He had so much fun... You were so lucky to have had a brother...... I never did.
Love, Cuz

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