Friday, August 07, 2009


Today I took my oldest to RIT. They run a College & Careers program for high school seniors who are interested in the majors they offer. Students get to spend the night in the residence halls, eat at Gracie's (the dining hall), experience a night of on-campus activities, and then go to four break-out sessions where you learn about your choice of four majors or areas of study.

I went on the campus tour with Kirsten. Mainly because she wasn't ready for me to leave her, but also out of curiosity. It's been 22 years since I graduated from RIT and 18 since Jim did. Things were the same, yet very different. As we walked around, I was reminded of my time there and Jim's. We walked right past the spot where this photo was taken. It's one of my favorite photos of Jim and me. I was pregnant with Kirsten and he couldn't resist making fun of my rather large belly. Today I was back at that spot with Kirsten, but no Jim.

I so wanted to call him and tell him how the campus is now. Reminisce about our time there. The gray hairs he gave mom & dad. How he went on co-op, thought "Damn, there's money in this packaging science stuff.", came back and buckled down. I want to laugh with him again. To tease him. To be teased.

Mom came across campus and showed me where the brick I bought in his memory had been placed on the Quarter-Mile. It's nice, but it doesn't make the missing him go away.

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