Thursday, September 18, 2008

A rough day

Yesterday was a rough day. I didn't expect to be as an emotional wreck as I was. The main part of my day was bearable because I'm swamped at work, but once work ended I cried at every thought of Jim...and my thoughts were filled with Jim. A whole year. That just doesn't seem possible. The lump is still in my throat, so I'm not in any shape yet to share what yesterday was all about, but I do want to say thank you to a few people who reached out yesterday in a myriad of ways:

Tonia & Ted
Auntie Cheryl & Uncle Bob
Aunt Dot & Uncle Don

If there's one thing I've learned over the past year about grief, it's what my Aunt Dot said yesterday "I hope people have learned that the old adage about not bringing up the person who died with the people who loved them because you don't want to make them sad, is a fallacy. By saying something, you aren't reminding them of it. They live with their grief every day."

I'm not the most thoughtful person - I can be when I think about it, but most of the time I'm just in my own little world, clueless. To those of you who remembered yesterday and reached out in a thoughtful way, you amaze me. I hope that I can learn by your example and as I travel forward in life, I can "pay it forward," becoming more aware of times when I should reach out.

1 comment:

rozanne said...

I think you are thoughtful--you've done a lot of nice things for me. I think it's more that your memory is failing rather than you aren't thoughtful. ;-) I'm sorry every day is so hard because Jim isn't here. Sending love your way.

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