Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jim's 40th Birthday

Today would have been Jim's 40th birthday. Even though I was only four, I can remember picking him up from the hospital. I wasn't too sure about why it had to come home with us, but it did and it became my little brother. He eventually surpassed me in height and weight, but he remained my little brother whom I adored. Looking back, he certainly was a cute little Italian baby.

The original film is dark for the first 30 seconds or so, but it lightens up. Also I goofed up on the video slightly...when the pictures and sound go away at 3:20, it's done. Unfortunately, I didn't notice that at about 5 minutes the music starts up again, so the video keeps "running."


melissa said...

Judith, You are a technological genius! The video is very cool. Nice that you have these memories on film.

Unknown said...

how absolutely it!

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