Monday, January 21, 2008


My Grandmother Swayne had a younger sister, Evelyn. For a long time, I didn't know much about her. On the wall in one of the bedrooms upstairs, there was a large, oval-framed photo of my grandmother and her younger sister on their farm. They looked to be about school-age. They stood there in the photo together looking ready to face the world.

As a young child, I never really questioned where Evelyn was. We spent many Sunday afternoons at my grandmother's older sister Helen's house. There was a great-uncle who would show up for a Sunday BBQ every once in a while. I guess I just thought, eventually, Evelyn would show up.

The summer I was 11, I finished up school and headed down to Grandma's house for my annual "vacation to Grandma and Grandpa's house." About two days into this particular trip, I broke out in a rash that covered my entire body and I became feverish. It was on this day that I found out where Evelyn was. When she was 6 and my grandmother 9, she died of Scarlett Fever. I also learned on this day that you never get over the death of a sibling.

When my grandmother died, I was holding her hand and telling her who was there to greet her. I know she found great comfort in knowing she'd be seeing Evelyn again after almost 69 years. Gram lived a long life — got married, had children, her children had children. She was loved and had happiness in her life. But she never stopped missing her little sister.

I hope Jimmy is getting to know Evelyn now. He and Grandma can introduce me to her when I arrive.

Oh - and thankfully, it was the German Measles; not Scarlett Fever as my grandmother had so feared.


LindaG said...

Thanks for the interesting family history. I heard mention of Evelyn and knew that she died in childhood, but in keeping with the Helen Carter tradition of "tli" (too little information)no one shared any details with me.

Even though I spent much more time with my grandmother than I did with yours I think I actually had more conversation with yours! She was always so upbeat and fun (so much like your mom.) My grandma Helen was strong and silent and occasionally silly. There was so much I wanted to know about her and my dad and the rest of the family but no one talked much about personal things. They still don't! Sometimes I feel compelled to make up family history in order to keep up with everyone else in this era of family tree-ing!

You know, the last I knew my cousin Brian Carter was tracing the Carter family genealogy. I should try to track him down and see what he knows. I don't think there would be much on our Deviney grandmothers though.

I also want to comment on your wedding post. What a beautiful, happy bride you were! You and Jimmy had so much fun together. I'm glad you have that wonderful memory of him.

Take Care Judi,

Judester said...

Hi Linda - I had to laugh reading your comment about "tli." Our side of the family reveals information in "hushed, reverent tones."

I loved going to Aunt Helen's house. My three favorite things -
1. PIE - your grandmother made the absolute BEST pies.
2. The toy chest in the pantry downstairs.
3. The round swing in that huge tree out back. It had such a long rope and was very scary to swing on! I used to volunteer to push Jimmy on it.


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