Wednesday, June 04, 2008

An awesome birthday and one totally cool sister!

I read Kate's blog where she told of Jimmy complaining about his birthday always falling on John Calvin's family camping weekend. We did go quite a few years on Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends and it was a blast - one of my favorite things to do as a kid. But it got me thinking about Jimmy's birthdays.
The year he turned 16, I threw him a surprise birthday party at my apartment at RIT. How is that for a totally cool sister?
Okay, well I was semi-cool...I started freaking out when Mike Brown carted in the beer ball and stuck it in my sink, so I ran upstairs to hide and sent my boyfriend down to make sure Campus Safety didn't get called! I think they all had a really good time, and it was one time I got to play the role of totally cool older sister.

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