Monday, June 23, 2008

"Just having a little fun with you" said the Cosmic God

12:55pm Sunday afternoon. The first of Sean's classmates arrives, the storm clouds gather and it starts to rain! It continues to rain as the rest of the class arrives, and just for fun, the Cosmic God (which I just told my neighbor Brian didn't exist during our euchre game the other night when he and Mark started to get a little "uppity" with their winning hands) threw in a single clap of thunder. I was getting pretty worried as all of us huddled under our 24'x12' canopy. Thankfully, the Cosmic God was just having a little fun with me and the single rain cloud in the sky passed by in about 20 minutes. By 12:50, it was sunny and warm and the kids were enjoying the pool.

It appeared to me that the kids had a lot of fun. They ate, ran around, swam, had a whiffle ball game with Mr. Michalski, and even convinced my daughter to fill water balloons for them. The three hours passed very quickly. I met a lot of nice parents, which as your children get older you find you don't know the parents like you did when they were in Kindergarten and just about every mom or dad volunteered in the school. I'm sure Sean will remember for a long time that we had the end-of-the-year party at his house. I'm glad we did it. And Gloria Gaynor was correct - I did survive. :-)

1 comment:

Kate said...

Looks like the party was a big success! Congratulations on making it through with your sanity still intact!


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