Friday, April 25, 2008

Blog readers - HELP!

Before my brother passed away, he talked to me about buying a bench and putting a plaque on it in his memory. Kate's family had done that for an uncle, I believe he said, and he thought it was a really nice idea for my kids. He thought maybe out by the pool, but we keep the pool area locked for safety reasons, the kids aren't allowed in there alone, and it's not really open/accessible year-round. So I suggested putting the bench in a garden, where anyone could go sit without supervision.

Well, Mark and I expanded a garden and I purchased a bench Kate thought Jim would like, but I can't figure out where I can purchase one of those engraved signs to attach to the back of the bench that would say something like "In loving memory - James R. Marventano / May 28, 1969 - September 17, 2007" If anyone knows where I might get one - either in or around Rochester or online, I'd appreciate you dropping me a line.

As soon as the garden is finished, I'll take a picture and post for all to see. Thanks!


Kate said...

Jude, have you thought about a trophy shop? Also, I found this link online:

Hope that helps!

I loved your posts about your visit. Thanks - it was great having you all here. We are looking forward to seeing you next month.

Anonymous said...

Have you checked out Things Remembered? They are online and in shopping malls. Good luck!

Anonymous said...


A trophy shop would be my first thought. However, be sure they understand that it is for outside use. The other thought is a stone monument or bronze marker from a memorial/monument company. More durable, but obviously going to be more expensive. Here is one site:

Also, try looking in the yellow pages (You remember that thick book of companies people used to 'walk their fingers' through before Google.) under Engravers-Metal (pp.509-510).

I know that Jim loved working with wood. There are several local people that engrave wood plaques. That might be a fitting alternative to brass or bronze. I am sure there will be at least one vender at the Lilac festival that you could look at.

Judester said...

I like the idea of wood - I never thought about that. It really would honor him in a special way. I think he'd like it too...although he'd probably critique the work! :-)

The bench arrived minus hardware, so I've got a little more time to figure the plaque thing out!

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