Saturday, March 01, 2008

Willis Berg Kling

Big Little Sister's comment reminded me very late last night that I'd wanted to post yesterday, but Kai got sick, Mark came home early to take her to the vets, and I got distracted until it was too late.

Yesterday was leap day - February 29th. It was also 20 years since Mark's dad, Willis Berg Kling, "Bill," passed away. In my brain, I know that I've been part of this family since before Kirsten was born 15+ years ago and I never met him; but to listen to Big Sister, Big Little Sister, and "Bro" (as the two of them call him) talk about their dad, I can't imagine that he's been physically out of their lives for that long. The years passed in one's brain versus in one's heart just don't seem to add up. He's still very much a part of their daily consciousness. I love to listen to them tell stories of him, and describe how each of them is like him in particular ways. We gave Sean his middle name - Sean Willis Kling - in memory of Mark's dad.
One of the biggest compliments I ever received from Mark was during a conversation about his dad. He said to me "I wish you had met him. He would've liked you." Knowing my husband, that said "I love you" more than any other words he could've said to me. I wish I had met him too. From the stories I hear, he was one hell of a guy. I would've liked him back.

1 comment:

Big Little Sister said...

Thanks for honoring Dad this way! It is very special to me. It doesn't seem like 20 years ago that he left us because we keep him memory alive each day. You will find the same thing for you with Jimmy's memory. What better way to keep them"alive" than to speak of them often. Thanks again Jude!

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