Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Now this makes me happy...

When Jim worked at the Kohler Company, his email still traveled through International Paper's servers. When he'd get a large attachment, it'd take forever to download from IP's mail server to his laptop on Kohler's network. Unfortunately, I was usually the dumb-ass who sent him the large attachments. I remember one phone call that went something like this:
"Hey Jude."
"Hi Jim. What's up?"
"Nothing. I'm sitting here waiting for an email with a large attachment to download. God, I hate when that happens. It takes forever."
Chat, chat, chat...
"HEY! The attachment's from YOU!"
"Ohhhh, yeah. Sorry. (giggle nervously) It's a PDF for Kate on how to make the perfect pizza."
"Thanks you (can't remember exactly what name he called me). Well, now I can finally get to work. Talk to you later."
I send him another email telling him I was sorry and I promise not to do it again. (This wasn't the first time I'd done it to him and gotten yelled at!)
A little while later an email arrives from Jim. It had an attachment. I opened it and saw it was a picture of Jim's head. I've included it here. It made me laugh and laugh until I cried. I originally thought he did it just for me...but it gets better. The caption was for me, but I find out after Jim died that the photo was one Jim had put on a T-shirt for Kate's Dad - Tom. He had even named the file with a funny name - "My Big Head." Can you imagine opening a box and finding a T-shirt with your son-in-law's face on it? Too funny. I'm sure it was quite the joke for a long time in the Ferguson family. I hope Tom still has the T-shirt and the smile on it makes him happy too.

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