So I'm not a poet. I hate poetry. I just don't get it. It's annoying. This, however, was there when I woke up this morning. It was just all there in my head. It was like I was listening to someone else say the words over and over again until I got up and wrote it down. I've been dreaming very strange dreams lately. This I believe was my dreams that spilled over into my waking consciousness. Oh...and one last thing. I read Sarah's Key - a very good, very upsetting book about Jewish children in France during WWII. Perhaps my choice of reading material needs to be lighter.
Two worlds collide.
As nature tries to push them apart,
Love builds a house between the two worlds.
Bricks and mortar span the gap.
Nature rests.
Small ones exist between the two worlds as if it's one.
People forget...
Two different worlds.
An explosion.
She is knocked unconscious.
When she wakes, she is surrounded by rubble.
She tries to move.
So much pain.
She steadies herself.
Looks around.
There are others.
She hears them, but dares not look.
She scans the world around her for shelter.
The house still stands.
She sees it has been knocked off its foundation.
Pushed back slightly from her world.
But it stands!
Its lights are dim.
She begins to walk towards the house.
She hears the others follow.
She knocks tentatively at the door.
A woman peeks out of the window, but does not answer.
Curtains are still as if the woman was never there.
She knocks again.
Louder this time.
The woman still does not answer.
She peeks in the window.
She see the mirrors are draped in black.
She summons her strength.
She calls the woman's name.
The air moves slightly.
The woman pulls back the door.
The woman gasps,
Recoils in horror.
She asks if they can come in.
She and the others.
Away from the devastation in their world.
The woman says "No."
"Please" she says, "It's cold and dark."
"I'm sorry" says the woman, "I can't."
The woman softly closes the door.
She hears the click of the lock, and what she believes are sobs.
Her tears fall.
She hears them behind her.
They are whispering to her.
"What did the woman say?"
She wipes her tears and turns to face them.
She averts her eyes from their faces to keep from crying.
The woman said "No."
"Why?" they whisper.
She sighs.
"I don't know" she says, "I'm sorry."
She looks up, into their eyes.
She sees the indescribable pain.
She wants to recoil. She understands.
She straightens up despite her wounds.
"Come" she says, "I will find us shelter."
They take her hands.
They turn to walk away.
They hear the ground move.
They look back to see the house shift.
Just a bit farther away from their world.
They hesitate.
She tugs at their hands.
She says "We'll come back. I promise."
They turn and walk with her.
She is all they have left.